We are pleased to announce that our company named 3MECS SARL, based in Laghouat Algeria, in addition to the provision of qualified personnel, is active in areas that may be of interest to you, namely:
- Thermal Insulation & metal sheet cladding installation certified iso 9001: 2015
- APL (Regulatory inspection of lifting equipment & devices) accredited iso 17020: 2012
- APE (Regulatory inspection of electrical equipment) accredited iso 17020: 2012
- Fireproof structure steel & equipment
- Painting and sandblasting
- Paint Inspection (Coating)
- NDT (ultrasound, visual, magnetic particle inspection, penetrant inspection, and radiography) accredited iso 17020: 2012 & certified iso : 9001: 2015
- Welding and certification of welders certified iso 9001: 2015
- Industrial maintenance
Our strengths :
In any case, we have great experience and know-how that allows us to carry out the missions entrusted to us.
It is useful to remember that we hold:
- Ministerial approval in NDT
- Legal Approved training center
- Ministerial approval in WPS and PQR (Welding)
- ISO 9001-2015 certified
- ISO 17020-2012 accreditation in APL, APE, and NDT all techniques.
- We hope to hold your attention during your consultations.