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Vues : 568

Secteur d'activité :
  • [23000000] - Equipements et machines et accessoires pour la transformation et la fabrication industrielle - Industrial Manufacturing and Processing Equipment and Machinery and Accessories
  • [30000000] - Structures et composants et fournitures pour le bâtiment et la construction - Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies
  • [40100000] - Equipement et composants et systèmes de chauffage et ventilation et circulation d'air et climatisation - Heating and Ventilation and Air Circulation Systems and Equipment and Components (HVAC)
  • [24100000] - Equipements et machines pour la manutention - Material handling machinery and equipment
  • [41000000] - Equipements scientifique et de laboratoire et de mesure et d'observation et d'essai - Laboratory and scientific and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment
  • [72141110] - Travaux de construction et rénovation de conduites et pipline pour le transport du pétrole et du gaz - Oil and gas branch line construction and repair service
  • [72141124] - Travaux de construction et rénovation de conduites de gaz de ville - Gas pipe construction and repair service
  • [72151700] - Installation de systèmes de sécurité et de protection - Safety and security system installation services
  • [40170000] - Tuyauterie et raccords - Pipe piping and fittings
  • [31210000] - Peintures et apprêts et finitions - Paints and primers and finishes
  • [31000000] - Composants et fournitures pour la fabrication - Manufacturing Components and Supplies
  • [72110000] - Travaux de bâtiment - Building construction services
  • [72140000] - Travaux Publics - Heavy construction services
  • [72141114] - Travaux voirie et réseaux divers (VRD) et amélioration urbaine - Infrastructure building and surfacing and paving services
  • [72150000] - Travaux de bâtiment de second oeuvre - Specialized trade construction and maintenance services

Type d'entité : Prestataire de services

Adresse : 3MECS training School, Laghouat, Algérie

Capital : 10 000 000,00 DZD


We are pleased to announce that our company named 3MECS SARL, based in Laghouat Algeria, in addition to the provision of qualified personnel, is active in areas that may be of interest to you, namely:


  • Thermal Insulation & metal sheet cladding installation         certified    iso 9001: 2015
  • APL (Regulatory inspection of lifting equipment & devices) accredited iso 17020: 2012
  • APE (Regulatory inspection of electrical equipment)             accredited iso 17020: 2012
  • Fireproof structure steel & equipment
  • Painting and sandblasting
  • Paint Inspection (Coating)
  • NDT (ultrasound, visual, magnetic particle inspection, penetrant inspection, and radiography) accredited iso 17020: 2012 & certified iso : 9001: 2015
  • Welding and certification of welders                                       certified    iso 9001: 2015
  • Industrial maintenance


Our strengths :


In any case, we have great experience and know-how that allows us to carry out the missions entrusted to us.


It is useful to remember that we hold:


  • Ministerial approval in NDT
  • Legal Approved training center
  • Ministerial approval in WPS and PQR (Welding)
  • ISO 9001-2015 certified
  • ISO 17020-2012 accreditation in APL, APE, and NDT all techniques.
  • We hope to hold your attention during your consultations.


Informations :

Date de création : 2022-04-15

Chiffre d'affaire : 5,000,000 DA - 50,000,000 DA

Nombre d'employés : 11-50


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Prénom : 

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